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World Description Empty World Description

Post by Jentaru Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:40 am

Demon Spire is set in the world of Lyssinia where a literal piece of hell The Abyss has been thrust up through the ground and is spreading the disease of demon spawn onto the world. While people were originally in awe, even worshiped the spire when it originally arrived, because of its ethereal glow and unexpected arrival about 5 years ago. Mages, scholars, thieves, every single group of people attempted to discern what was up with this thing. But nothing happened. They could not figure out what was up with this perfectly formed prism that just thrust up from the ground. Inevitably, as with most things, the thing of this spire passed into the background. It became an everyday thing for people. The cults that followed the giant glowing spire grew, diminished and fell to the background as well. People just excepted it as being there. Then one day the spire cracked open and released and out from it spilled a multitude of demons and they began to ravage nearby area. Now, while the other nations of the world have joined together to fight this force, the demons take more and more land every day.

(P.S. I will be posting more as I write it out but that's kind of what I have for you all to go on for now.)

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Join date : 2012-01-23
Age : 31

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Post by Jentaru Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:45 pm

With the spire, it has no longer been laying dormant. Instead, it broke through and demons erupted from it immediately causing widespread terror. So not a big change. The cults still exist.

Also, new stuff Very Happy :

The Humans were the most impacted by the Spires arrival and awakening. It ruptured through the ground in their prominent trade cities, Dorn in what was their home country of Brant. Brant, lying in the northwest of the eastern continent, has now become the frontline for the war. The once brilliant capital city of Nyv has been abandoned and lays in ruin. Many humans, now refugees, have fled to the countries across the great ocean.
The Drow:
A faction of the Drow have fled from the Underdark and abandoned following Lolth as their god. They have taken refuge in the Night Swamps south of the Dwarven mountain stronghold of Agormon. The Drow are still highly secretive in their society and not much is known about their civilization within the swamp itself nor how many there are there. All Drow who have ventured to the other cities have either been very tight lipped or have no recollection of the place. Some mages speculate a very powerful memory loss curse affects anyone who tries to disclose the whereabouts of the Drow within the swamp.
The Dwarves:
The Dwarves who reside in the mountains claim allegiance to the capital stronghold of Agormon. The fortress reside in the Mountains of Trendor which cover most of the northern edge of the Western continent. The Dwarves are very proud to live in this barren and harsh environment. Many people consider the environment of Trendor impassable without a Dwarven guide. Many corpses of foolish people unwilling to pay for a guide have been hauled out of the snow into the various towns scattered across the range.

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Join date : 2012-01-23
Age : 31

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World Description Empty Re: World Description

Post by Jentaru Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:19 am

And More World Description!

The Elves:
The Elves are the second most affected by the invasion of the Demons. Their country of Triadon is now next in line for being overrun being the closest neighbor to Brant to the south. Their capital city of Karonorn lies in the middle of the thick Forest of Iron, named so for is impenetrable and fortress like nature. It has been put under great economic strain lately with the massive influx of human refugees. But by far their city of Alabstran is the most grand in all of Lyssinia. The high gothic arches of pure white marble and giant open air court are a wonder and prized possession of the Elves. Lying in the plains west of the Forest of Iron, the elves regard this place as their holy hub because they feel it is the place where you can most readily connect to the natural energy of the world. Being such a treasure, it is also often the most heavily manned city in the Elvish kingdom, having no natural defenses like the capital. Many elves have gone here on a holy pilgrimage here to pray to the gods.

The Dragonborn:
The Dragonborn inhabit Volkram in the southern portion of the great ocean of Lyssinia. Volkram is a nation made of a large cluster of islands all along a major volcanic chain. Because of this the islands tend to shift and move sometimes tens of miles within a day of high activity. Similar to their physical location, the political climate of Volkram is often in flux. Their latest civil war just ended after heated debate whether to get involved in the demonic war to the far north. Many Dragonborn were not looking for a war that they didn’t need to be involved it, but the current military dictatorship feared the threat sending a force sailing for the frontlines. The force, unfortunately was completely obliterated by the demons air forces according to reports from the other races. Conscription soon began and people revolted not wanting to be sent to their deaths by incompetent rulers. The Dragonborn capital city of Obsidian was sieged for almost an entire year before the former generals yielded. The Dragonborn have since pledged to stay away of the Demonic slaughter.

The Hawklings:
In the air to the south west of the western continent lie hundreds of chunks of land floating thousands of feet above sea level. These are known as the Rocks of Heaven and Hawklings call them home. They effortlessly fly from island to island but have built bridges and ferries between many of them for those who trade with them or who visit the wondrous place. There are many valuable agricultural and mined products that have been found nowhere else in Lyssinia. Also, the magical properties of the floating islands themselves have drawn arcane scholars from all races to the rocks. The capital city of Cloudline houses the greatest college for mage craft in fact. Because of their research, the Hawklings have been able to harness the magic of the island to create flying ships. The avian people haven’t had much affect from the war, but they have been supporting the Humans and the Elves in their war efforts providing aerial support and transport.

The Wolven:
In the far north, the Wolven live in the vast frozen canyons of Horwin. The desolate frozen wasteland have very limited resources and the Wolven live a nomadic lifestyle moving from area to area when needed. Because of this there is no set city where the Wolven reside. However, there are tribal areas where various packs rotate with the seasons. The five main packs are the Junar to the south, near the coastline; the Corin to the west above the dwarven mountains; the Emari to the northwest; the Intoku to the northeast; and the Kindro to the west. Overall, the packs interact relatively peacefully, but the Emari and Intoku have a heated past. Their two clans were formed when the great clan Unta separated with the death of its leader and the debate over whether his son, Tomere, or daughter, Gorinia, would run the clan since he never issued a last will. To avoid civil war, the siblings fought in single combat with the three elder priests judging the non-lethal competition. In the end Gorinia won the competition and took charge of the clan, renaming it after the great mother-god of Wolven, Emari. Tomere, disgraced and defeated, took his followers to the previously thought uninhabitable north eastern plateaus, yet his clan survives there, almost entirely secluded from the rest of the packs and world. The Kindro clan, however, is quickly being displaced from their homeland in the west. The cults that worship the demons as the new gods of our world have begun to attack the north and have been growing deeply entrenched in the frosted land. As such, the Kindro have begun to push west into the center of the northern land, which is all of the clans center of worship and home to a mass grave of Wolvens past.

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Join date : 2012-01-23
Age : 31

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World Description Empty Re: World Description

Post by Jentaru Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:08 pm

The Kitsune:
The Kitsune live on a plain of dense grass known as the Razor Fields, getting its name for the fact that the grass will almost certainly shred any unarmored creature that were to run through it. As such, many creatures are either huge, bulky armored beasts that barrel through the fields, or tiny mice like animals that can dart between the blades of grass. The Kitsune, however, have been able to weave pathways and trade routes through the grasslands. Though these paths are small and often disappear with the rapid growing ground cover, the foxes keep the roads the best they can and always have an alternate route to and from places just in case. Their main city of Verencia is located in almost the exact center of the plains and is one of the best places for medicinal herbs and potions. The plain, once cleared of the deadly weed, provides superbly nutrient rich environment for agriculture. As such the Kitsune are regarded as master healers in Lyssinia.

The Changelings:
Changelings have faced much opposition and racism throughout their life. Being a race that can change their appearance so freely, many people regard them as sneaks and thieves, which is truthful for some but not all. As such, changelings are often refused service or even driven out of town if they are seen in their natural forms. Changelings also do not have a central city or civilization because of this. They are able to mesh into any society almost flawlessly, but very rarely does one stay in a place. Many are drifters in small groups of three or four traveling from city to city and never really having a home.

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Join date : 2012-01-23
Age : 31

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World Description Empty Re: World Description

Post by Jentaru Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:09 am

The Minotaur:
The kingdom of Dranor was once filled with large fruit orchards and lush gardens where elves grew a substantial amount of agricultural products. They employed the use of the “beastly” minotaur race to drive their plows and wield their sickles, while paying them almost nothing; barely enough to survive on. The elves also took the cream of the crop leaving only the worst for their workers. The Minotaur, tired of this lifestyle of slavery and oppression, revolted. The took the city of Almissir from the elves, reclaiming it as Gronmeck (the Minotaur word for freedom) and destroyed much of the lavish housing of the elven nobility who ruled. One of thing that remains is the elven statue of the former lord Kirmine handing a scythe to a bended knee minotaur to remind the race of why they have revolted and of who they despise. Shortly after the rise of Gronmeck, the Minotaur kind rapidly pushed north capturing town after town in a bloody onslaught. This soon grew to a halt though as the Minotaur and Elves battle pushed the line back and forth over the same 5 mile stretch, now barren wastes from the war. However, since the demons arrived, the war has had a ceasefire, but the two nations are on by no means “good terms”.

Many Minotaur cities are harsh and gritty filled with buildings of harsh brick and iron. Smog from their many forges and factories clouds the skies overhead causing sooty rain fall to be a common occurrence. Gronmeck, being far from the battlefield of the war, has been able to build some kind of economy, though not exactly one that is clean. With the amount of weapons being produced, it is very common for some to be missing from a shipment with no explanation or for a theft of a factory to go unnoticed. The underground flourishes here and the government doesn’t seem to mind with much more important things occupying their time. Need someone killed, corporate espionage, theft, Gronmeck is where you go.

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Join date : 2012-01-23
Age : 31

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