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Meet the Party

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Meet the Party Empty Meet the Party

Post by Kindulas Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:18 pm

Felt we needed a specific thread for our character descriptions. I'll have a more detailed back-story soon too.

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Meet the Party Empty Re: Meet the Party

Post by Nehiel Mori Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:06 pm

Do we do this to the TF2 intro?
Nehiel Mori
Nehiel Mori

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Meet the Party Empty Re: Meet the Party

Post by Kindulas Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:27 pm

... I encourage this

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Meet the Party Empty Asmona

Post by Kindulas Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:27 pm

Meet the Party Dnd-4-10
"This is a war. A war we're losing. Gods and devils alike are pushed into a corner while the mortal world is consumed like the plane below it. Virtually any means justify the ends of pushing back the demonic hordes.
Not yet fully accepted by my infernal kin, I must make allies with whoever I can to prove myself and fight back against these monstrosities"

Asmona was born to a human woman in the small village of North Gate by what was assumed to be a traveling Tiefling man. In her first decade and a half of life she was shunned by her peers for her appearance – and the pure sense of unease she gave to all. Even her mother seemed afraid of her.
Shunned by humans she became interested in Tieflings. There was an abandoned library past the edge of town she spent time looking through. She learned that Tieflings came from a pact with Devils, and so she began looking for books on such pacts. She found tomes on warlocks, and in time came to try and initiate her own pact. Answering the call was a pit fiend named Xerxes who claimed to be her father. 15 years ago he had taken the guise of a mortal Tiefling and impregnated various mortals. His plan was to appear to them when they came of age, gathering a number of followers that wouldn’t be overseen by his own master. Asmona, however, sought out her infernal connections before this time, proving she may be the most worth of Xerxes’s children.
So that she may learn her own strength and prove herself a true Devil, Xerxes offered to lend her his power if she would do as he commands and pass his tests. His first test was to raze her entire village.
North Gate is no more.
Now, her only orders are to lay a dent in the demonic hordes in any way she can. As a favored child, she is given no specific orders. Instead, she is to prove herself by making good use of her freedom.

Asmona is short tempered and destructive, but cunning, as well as cruel. While her preferred M.O is brute force and destruction, she knows when to sit back and plan. Brute force is best used when applied to weak points (the point I need to make is no, this is not just an evil Yukarin.) She is fairly but not highly sadistic, as she is first and foremost devoted to her mission.
Asmona has a deep rooted insecurity about her heritage. Having been shunned by humans as a half-breed, she is worried that she will be seen as lowly by Devils. She covers this by taking great pride in her infernal heritage; she considers herself a true Devil who is being tested with mortality. She hates being referred to as a ‘Tiefling’ or a ‘Mortal,’ as she is a “True Devil” or at least “First Generation Half-Devil, favored daughter of the Pit Fiend Xerxes.”

Combat wise she is an AoE ult build that works to gain PiPs and fire off -8/-9 moves – Inferno and Call Lightning (“Firefall”) She also has Crescendo(“Doomsday”) for solos or spread out enemies, and drain blood to take advantage of vulnerability. Finally, she is also backing regular Fireball for stragglers, and the Hellfire Rod for a 2d10 burst “Hellfireball”

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Meet the Party Empty Re: Meet the Party

Post by Nehiel Mori Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:25 pm


Meet the Party Slende12

Rapture is a changeling, and he wants to see the world.

His past is kept guarded, though it is clear that before the war he received magical training and explored the world looking for magical artifacts. His most prized possession that he found in the tomb of a Dragonborn mage named Rikal is his Control Rod. A silver scepter with a sky blue orb at the top, the rod amplifies Raptures magical talent and focus's it into his preferred magical style; creating black tendrils with pale hands at the end to push and move his enemies then blasting them with green runes charged with magical energy that explode, knocking people to their feet.

Personality wise the first thing you need to know about Rapture is that he is completely amoral. Neither good, nor evil, to him its a matter of how can we get the desired solution with the most efficiency. Do not mistake this for psychopathy, for Rapture understands and feels emotions. He has been brought to tears before by the sight of the sun setting over a glittering waterfall; or a beautiful women preforming feats of extraordinary magic. But his emotions do not get in the way of what he does. Rapture is a man willing to do what is necessary however cruel be haunted by his actions afterwords if it will remove the problem. He sees a demonic invasion threatening the beautiful world he wants to explore. They are a problem, and they must be removed entirely.

Combat wise, Rapture is a forced movement build. The Control Rod (Training Certificate for Chessmaster) Allows Rapture to pop a minor action and move any creature within 5 spaces 2 spaces. He has motion blur, giving him two minor actions a turn. Skills like Swarm of Hands (Psychic Strands) and Well of Tendrils (Gravity Well) hold our foes in place while Explosive Rune (Explosive Arrow) or Unstable Energy Field (Poison Cloud) deal light damage to enemies stuck together. Eventually, he will upgrade his Control Rod into a Cannon and the actual item Control Rod and start blasting people while screaming how "*censored*'s love cannons."
Nehiel Mori
Nehiel Mori

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Meet the Party Empty Re: Meet the Party

Post by uT.TerAbsurdity Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:34 pm

I'll write up Borris' detailed background tonight after work.

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Meet the Party Empty Justicar Heston

Post by Dan-prime Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:19 pm

Meet the Party Heston11

"This world has been consumed by corruption and sin, torn by the forces mortals and devils alike. The time is nigh for the unworthy to meet their maker. A great cleansing is upon us, and I will bring divine justice in my wake."

Rumar Heston was born to a long line of priests, clerics and paladins. His family, a patriarchy of humans, served as prominent and influential members in Bahamut's following. Rumar's mother was married to a great paladin of Bahamut, a staunch traditionalist and judicator of the faith. This man, however, was not his father. Rumar was a bastard son, his features not that of a man, but more that of a humanoid-dragon with narrow, predatory features, and gleaming platinum scales. His form could be confused as Dragonborn with one major exception: his wings. Upon his birth, his mother was excommunicated and exiled. Rumar was raised by his paladin father, seeing his platinum scales as a sign. This was the extent of his compassion, however, and Rumar's childhood was hard to say the least. When Rumar came of age he was taken into the folds of Bahamut's clergy and quickly rose through the ranks until he found his place as a Justicar.

Justicar Heston, as he became known as, showed a level of fanaticism and zeal that even the most devout clerics found disturbing. His views were traditionalist, and he showed little tolerance for heretics (a byproduct of his childhood). His methods were harsh and unwavering, but few could argue with his judgement as he possessed the charisma of a cult leader. Needless to say, however, there weren't many who were heart-stricken when he left on a crusade to combat the demonic forces pouring out of the Demon Spire. Believing that Bahamut himself guides his actions, Justicar Heston seeks to purge the world of heretics, meeting those who would stand in his way with the wrath of a platinum dragon.

Heston is a support build, focusing on reactions and interrupts that punish the weak and unworthy and reward his allies. His turn is spent with Flagellation (Dark Bargain) and Introspection (Redirect Focus), taking Iron Will and items (Chain of the Drunken Master, Ring of Resilience) to ensure his saves, while using Divine Rebuke and Inspire Faith (Shield Up!) to harm his foes and defend his allies. Lightning Reflexes with a training certificate allows him to do more support.

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Location : Land of the Ice and Snow

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Meet the Party Empty Captain Mordrik

Post by Showtune Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:45 am

Meet the Party Mordri13

"If there be gold in it, or that Bloody bastard Romano, Ye can thank me for blasting open the way. But I want my cut before some Damned devil grabs it."

Born into a family of class, Mordrik found his life dull and meaningless. At the young age of 14 his family estate was burst open and Lord Romano demanded his father's money. Mordrik watched as his father was sliced open, his mother and sister raped. He was beaten within an inch of his life and left in the ally way to rot. He faded in and out of sight as the rest of his family were taken onto ships, most likely to be sold as slaves in the larger cities.
His mind broke. He spent the next six years struggling to survive, focusing on finding his family and getting revenge on Romano. He became quite athletic and smart with mechanical systems (mostly locks). At the age of 20 he joined a crew destined for the demon spire and trading routes.
The passage across the great sea was torture for all aboard. The crew was pushed over the breaking point. Mordrik organized a mutiny and personally dragged the hated captain to the rigging and tossed him into the waiting sea. Piece by piece. Leaving the head to serve as a symbol for his crew's new freedom. All of the while they cheered.
He spent several years leading his crew in the glorious profession on piracy. Over his adventures he has been wounded several times. Each time he replaced the broken part with technology he has found. He is a true cyborg, having replaced his sword arm, left leg, and right eye.
He has recently found information on Lord Romano and his lost family. He is laid back, but that maybe because of his broken mind or genuine lack of interest. The only things that capture his full attention are, gold, booze, murder and women....mostly for the entertainment he finds. Need some food? Ask him he has spent a long time cooking for his crew...take care though....

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Age : 31

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Meet the Party Empty Re: Meet the Party

Post by uT.TerAbsurdity Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:39 pm

I've made a minor flavor change to Borris. One of his racials is Frostborn, I've reflavored it as this: His parents were both powerful elemental mages and when Borris was born, he inherited a natural affinity towards Ice Magic. However, he was never interested in magic so he never pursued developing his skills. Because of this, all he can do is freeze minor things and create small patches of ice.

Also, in combat, instead of Borris' ult being dominate, I've decided to give him the Shadow Daggers because sweet mother of mercy those things are amazing.

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Meet the Party Empty Re: Meet the Party

Post by Nehiel Mori Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:20 pm

Funnily enough I gave Rapture shadow daggers as well xD.

Tentacle attack!
Nehiel Mori
Nehiel Mori

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