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Dragonreach Characters

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Dragonreach Characters Empty Dragonreach Characters

Post by Ian Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:02 pm

Share your characters backstory and what your character does after completing their epic destiny here.

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Dragonreach Characters Empty Re: Dragonreach Characters

Post by Alexander The Grander Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:31 pm

Share your characters backstory and what your character does after completing their epic destiny here.

So does this mean I wouldn't post my character in here until after he's hit lvl 10 (LL format)?
Alexander The Grander
Alexander The Grander

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Dragonreach Characters Empty Re: Dragonreach Characters

Post by Nehiel Mori Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:32 pm

If I understand the pervious rules; you share your character here now and later update with what they do after hitting level 10
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Dragonreach Characters Empty Re: Dragonreach Characters

Post by Alexander The Grander Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:37 pm

Ah! Thanks Chad! Very Happy
Alexander The Grander
Alexander The Grander

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Dragonreach Characters Empty Re: Dragonreach Characters

Post by Alexander The Grander Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:37 pm

Well here goes nothing! (Hope I'm doing this right xD)
Drakeirian's Character Sheet:

Drakeirian's Backstory:

Drakeirian was born in a small village that worshipped Drevan. However, their goals as a whole were greatly misguided. The village’s goal was to beat the human condition; to make humans the supreme race. In order to do this they focused on genetic alterations and artificial selection. The villagers grew impatient with their work and lack of results. So the villagers began to turn from Drevan’s ways. In the end, the village began to make deals with Razia to have enough magical powers for what was known as ‘The Birthing Ritual’. An ancient spell that helps a deity intervene with the birth of a child. The deal with Razia was to make the perfect human, implied by the the village folk to be the next Drevan’s avatar. Razia agreed with the deal as long as the village protected the child at all costs and only to worship Drevan during the day.They agreed to the terms, having a festival in honor of Razia’s deal and the newborn soon to join the village. The details of the ritual are unknown, however, the results were.

The child was born sickly and weak. In Razia eyes that was the perfect human. She believed humans belonged in slavery of other beings. There was a huge rage of violence in the realization that the people had been tricked. They were promised a pinnacle of excellence for the human race. Instead they received a bitter joke from the goddess of hell. Every moment that Drakeirian was alive was a reminder to the village of their failures and mistakes. The village hated the child, though forced to raise him and keep him safe due to the infernal contract. They gave him his own hut to live on top of a hill within the village. Every month they brought him poor and expired supplies and he learned to raise himself as soon as he was able. Fully aware of his condition with the villagefolk as he grew older he journeyed into the village more often to learn and explore around the village. Through his explorations, Drakeirian soon fell for a girl who was nice to him named Klovere. They would secretly hang out every once in awhile. Klovere, however, only pitied him and was asked by her parents to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. After 15 years had passed from the day of the ritual, a village meeting took place where the village decided that Razia in fact broke her deal with the village. They convinced themselves to kill Drakeirian to fully break their bonds with Razia. Despite her reservations, Klovere is persuaded that it is for the greater good and is asked to convince the boy to come down into the village to ambush him.

At this moment an army raids the town to purge the village of those who worship Razia. While the town was being slaughtered, the confused and traumatized Klovere made a last ditch effort to save her village by killing Drakeirian. Klovere raised her knife above her head and sprinted towards Drakeirian. Drakeirian, oblivious to the village’s plan to kill him, mistook Klovere’s intentions as a run to embrace him. Klovere taken by suprise, Drakeiran held her tightly within his loving arms. The warmth of love was quickly taken away from Drakeiran when he felt a large gash across his abdomen. The wound was not from Klovere’s blade, however, as he looked down at her he realized he was only holding her upper half. A soldier had snuck up behind them and cleaved her in two. Petrified from the wound and the horrors around him, Drakeirian could only fall to his knees as the soldier knocked him out.

Drakeirian was then taken prisoner. Soon after Drakeirian was subject to horrific amounts of torture for information. According to his interrogator, Sergeant Rix, every time a villager was slain their body would disappear instantly. Drakeirian knew nothing of the reasons why but Rix would not take his stupidity as an answer. After months of torture, Rix finally became too impatient with the boy to question him any longer. One night Sergeant Rix molded a large symbol of Razia out of Iron and branded the mark all over Drakeirian’s body. “You cannot hide what you truly are, you worthless scum!” Sergeant Rix would yell every time iron met flesh. However, the next morning all of the brands were healed and gone. Furiously, Sergeant Rix began the process of branding Drakeirian night after night and with every morning the brands would disappear. One fateful night it was Sergeant Rix’s screams that came bellowing from the dungeon’s echoing hallway Too late, the guards found the corpse of Rix within Drakeiran’s cell; his eyes missing. Despite Drakeirian’s plea that he didn’t do it, he was set to be executed the next day. By dawn, Drakeirian was forced out of his cell and shoved into the embrace of a guillotine.

The entire encampment was there to witness his death. The general then gave the order and the guillotine fell. Suddenly, a death rattling scream followed a spirit as it appeared between Drakeirian’s neck and the guillotine’s blade. As the blade struck the spirit, another wail beckoned as the blade shattered and the spirit disappeared. Shock and awe were all the soldiers could find within themselves. Before the soldiers found their wits to slay the boy, General Griarmore switftly took ]him off the stage and dragged him back to his cell. Griarmore, blessed with true sight, saw what had really happened and the potential that the boy held.

Griarmore continued to question and interview Drakeirian within his cell and learned his story. Soon after, a deal was struck between Griarmore and the boy that Drakeiran would go to the closest city and join the military. If Drakeirian could pass the training test and become a soldier, Griarmore would take him under his wing. Drakeiran quickly rose to the top of his class and even graduated early. However, Griarmore was not there to meet him at his graduation.

General Griarmore was killed in battle on the way to the ceremony. Drakeirian was then designated to an elite branch of the military known as Spelljackers. It was Drakeirian’s job to infiltrate into enemy strongholds, hack their magical defenses to turn them against the enemy, then support his team in securing the area. Drakeirian’s record has been flawless to this day and has even been known as a good luck charm among other soldiers. Not a single ally has died during his missions.

Though dark rumors still spread around his image. One is that the raven always at his side is secretly a messenger of Razia. Even worse are the stories of how the spectral wardens he summons resemble the people of his village. That they are doomed to forever be slaughtered to keep him alive. The rumor is only encouraged by those who fight beside him as he always has a smile in battle. His laughter can sometimes be heard past the screams of his spectral wardens dying. Both his smiles and laughter are quickly replaced with a grimaced look, however, when one of his spectral warden’s takes the face of a young girl...



“Hey little devil! I got the good news from Drill Instructor Drimir! I heard you’re graduating a whole two years early!”


“*Laughter* Yea I would’ve told you myself but you know how it is. Not allowed to have sending stones. Thanks for convincing Drimir to let me borrow his. So does that mean you’re going to be here for the ceremony or are you busy?”


“No problem, no problem at all. And yea I should be there in about a week, just finishing up these patrols. But that’s not why I’m calling, Drake. Drimir told me he saw something a little concerning with you.”


“Yea? What could that be? I promise I haven’t done anything wrong.”


“No no, nothing wrong boy. He said he saw a burn mark on the back of your shoulder. Said he couldn’t get a good look at it but that it looked pretty bad. I am just concerned. Is it one of the brand’s that Sergeant Rix put on you?”


“ *Pause of 10 seconds* Yes, sir, it is.”


“Why have you not gotten it healed by now? It’s been so long and you’re a fantastic healer. You could’ve done it by yourself by now.”


“ *Pause of 7 seconds* It doesn’t heal, sir.”


“’re going to need to get that looked at. You’re a great conjurer and you still want to join the Drevan priesthood, don’t you?”


“Yes, sir! Of course!”


“Well that brand is only going to hurt you in that dream. And your entire military career! Just be sure to keep it hidden until you can get rid of it.”


“Yes, sir. I would never intentionally hurt my chances to keep my deal with you OR become a priest of Drevan. It just won’t heal, I promise. I’ll speak with the priests about it after the ceremony”


“Very well. *Pause of 4 seconds* Does it have something to do with the reason Rix died?”


“I don’t know, Sir. I promise. I’ll take care of it.”


“Good! I’ve got a surprise for you when I arrive after your ceremony. I gotta go; just stick to your goals, keep doing good, and don’t do anything to hurt your reputation. It’ll take you far but only on good standing.”


“A surprise!?! Awesome! Of course, Sir. Take care of yourself. See you when you get here.”


Last edited by Alexander The Grander on Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
Alexander The Grander
Alexander The Grander

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Dragonreach Characters Empty Re: Dragonreach Characters

Post by Kindulas Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:04 pm

Holy hell you're detailed!

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Dragonreach Characters Empty Re: Dragonreach Characters

Post by Kindulas Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:06 pm

For the first 16 years of my life I was a poor kid, a troublemaker and a street punk. I didn’t really care much about my own life. The world seemed like an ugly place, frankly. And then there was June. June was a local aristocrat’s daughter, and I was lucky enough to catch her eye. She saw something in me, and after a time I became part of her family. June taught me to enjoy life as thoroughly as she did; she showed me how much beauty there was in the world and how to appreciate it. She taught me what it meant to be a Rishi – that we are the world’s prime authorities and examples of aesthetic beauty. She taught me to draw, she taught me martial arts, she taught me how to act with class and style, and she taught me how to please a woman (we practiced that a lot). So many hours spent in her family’s art gallery. She had a favorite room, too – things imported from and drawn of Dragonreach. That’s where she always wanted to go.

But we didn’t last. She didn’t last. Disease took her a few years later. But it was slow, and we made peace with it. She made me who I am, and I wasn’t going to let that go to waste. The best way to honor her memory wasn’t to dedicate myself to her; it was to live the rest of my life to the fullest, and for that I cannot complain. I was off to see the world. The Dragonreach she dreamed of seeing was mine for the taking; an endless vista, a land of adventure, excitement, of beautiful places, things and people – and I had to have enough fun for two lives. I would experience it, I would draw it, and I would share myself with it. I would bring things back to her precious Dragonreach gallery – it was mine, now. Her parents let her own it, and she left it to me.

I’ve been here just a few years now; I’m 26. I’ve become formidable with my powers and my sketchbooks are far from blank. But Dragonreach is a nigh unending place, and after all I’ve taken from it I haven’t left much of a mark of my own, save for fond memories in the minds of women. I guess that's actually a pretty good mark, but my adventure is still just beginning.

Last edited by Kindulas on Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:59 am; edited 1 time in total

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Dragonreach Characters Empty Re: Dragonreach Characters

Post by Alexander The Grander Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:37 am

Holy hell you're detailed!

It's to hide the mediocre story xD

tl;dr He likes to heal. There ya go lol

Also, how'd ya get a picture for your post? I'm super noob at this stuff. And should I put a link of my character sheet or is that needed at all?
Alexander The Grander
Alexander The Grander

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Dragonreach Characters Empty Re: Dragonreach Characters

Post by uT.TerAbsurdity Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:52 am

Dragonreach Characters Tumblr_lvuf7lRRSM1r0zleto1_1280

My name is Fluffy, Fluffy McSparkles. No, I was not born with that name; it was given to me by an old Tiefling woman during one of my travels. What was my original name? Eugh, I swear to Io, Drevan…even Tiamat and Razia- I wish I knew. My memories extend back maybe two years before abruptly cutting off into bleak nothingness. Comparing my body with other humans I’ve encountered, I’d estimate my age to be… early thirties? That means I have about three decades of life to my name and I’ve only been able to experience the smallest bit of it.

I was told early on in my two year memory span that what I’m going through is some medical condition called amnesia. Truthfully, that explanation does make sense, granted, it’s the only explanation I’ve found so far. Although, with no apparent glimmer of truth, my situation does allow for some glorified speculation about my past when I’m bored.

I like to think that I came to Dragonreach through the dragongate to the human plane. I’m not sure what I would have done there but I do have a fun theory: I was a bounty hunter. I got paid to hunt people down and either bring them in or kill them. It almost does make sense though, my outfit is comfortable and seems streamlined and optimized for fighting. And then there’s my sliding wrist-blades. They really are quite handy, you can running towards your enemy with no weapons but your wrist-blades, but they will think you completely unarmed until it’s too late and your dagger is buried to the hilt in their ch- Sorry, I think I was getting a bit carried away there.

That’s another thing that I see in my imagined past: My best attempts to social graces. I find it ironic that a man who goes around killing people for a living would do his best to be courteous and maintain his table manners, and yet at every turn, I’m hit with a near instinctual urge to act as a gentleman. It makes me wonder if I wasn’t born into a noble family and then…Hmm, I dunno, maybe I just got bored of the daily rigmarole.

But regardless, a bunch of what-if fantasies aren’t going to make this amnesia go away. Lately though, I’ve been feeling something. This uneasiness in my gut, the kind you get when you know something’s about to go off-the-wall crazy. I have no idea what might happen next but it might get me one step closer to discovering my past...

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Dragonreach Characters Empty Re: Dragonreach Characters

Post by Kindulas Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:59 am

Alexander The Grander wrote:
Holy hell you're detailed!

It's to hide the mediocre story xD

tl;dr He likes to heal. There ya go lol

Also, how'd ya get a picture for your post? I'm super noob at this stuff. And should I put a link of my character sheet or is that needed at all?
A) You add a picture using the button that's a photo of a tree with a floppy disk in front, uploading, then copy-pasting the "image" link.
B)If you're wondering how I found it, well, I maintain a large art collection, mostly from DeviantArt. The, I photoshopped lightning in place of his water-bottle and cropped it.
2) Sure why not

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